What is an American Standard Customer Care Dealer?

What is an American Standard Customer Care Dealer? Heating and air conditioning companies who are American Standard Customer Care Dealers are a select group of dealers who sell and install American Standard Heating and Air Conditioning systems and have met a higher standard for service and installation. Make Your Next HVAC Decision Worry-free Independent American […]

Our New Website Built to Serve You

Legacy Heating and Cooling is proud to announce the launch of our new website. It has been designed and built to serve you by providing as much information as we can regarding the heating and air conditioning industry. We will continue to add new information on an ongoing basis. Answers to your questions When you […]

Is a Programmable or WiFi Thermostat Right for You?

Our Trusted Products

Everyone wants their home to be comfortable. Sometimes there are battles between family members over where the thermostat should be set. While we can’t solve inter-family battles over the temperature setting within your home, we can offer some advice about how to keep your home more comfortable and at the same time, and save you […]

Basic HVAC Maintenence Will Save You Money

maintenance plans legacy heating and cooling

Your home’s heating and air conditioning system is usually something you don’t ever think about unless something goes wrong. When you set your thermostat, you expect your system to respond and either cool or warm your home without you giving it another thought. If you have a programmable or WiFi thermostat, you don’t even have […]